
Volume Design offers a wide selection of illuminated and non-illuminated indoor and outdoor advertisements. Our range of products includes small unlit labels, signs, and letters, as well as large channel letters and lightboxes as well as special solutions – illuminated advertising columns, portals.

To facilitate navigating a wide range of products, all categories of illuminated advertisements, lightboxes, and non-illuminated advertisements are divided into sub-categories or profiles.

According to the customer’s wishes, opportunities, and the location of the installation, the best solution will be found in cooperation with the sales team, based on Volume Design’s long-term experience in the production of illuminated advertisements.

Volume Design’s products comply with the CE label, which ensures that all manufactured products meet the health, safety, and environmental protection requirements of the European Union.

In addition, Volume Design is a certified manufacturer of advertisement products by the 3M Group, with which we can give a 3M MCS 10-year warranty to all products manufactured with 3M materials.

Channel letters

LED channel letters are small or large individual illuminated letters or logos. LED channel letters make it possible to visualise the customer’s logo, name, or slogan most accurately, as channel letters allow the best possible imitation of the customer’s desired design. In addition to great visibility at night or at dusk, they are easily noticeable in the daytime. As a result, channel letters are one of the most widely used illuminated advertisement solutions in both public and indoor environments.


In principle, lightboxes are similar to channel letters, but unlike channel letters, their appearance is limited and does not allow the production of very complex shapes. Usually, the lightbox’s appearance is based on geometric shapes and the customer’s desired design will be presented on the front of the box. Lightboxes enable creating very large solutions. By using LED technology, it is possible to create relatively thin LED lightboxes, which are great for indoor use.

Pylons and totems

Advertising columns are independent complete solutions. The illuminated advertising column does not need previous structures to place advertisements – instead, a new landmark is created in the production and installation of an advertising column. LED channel letters as well as lightboxes can be used for advertising columns, depending on the wishes and the design.

Volumetric letters

Non-illuminated volumetric letters can be used in both indoor and outdoor conditions. Depending on the place of use and size of the letters, they can be made of different materials and with different surface finishes. Volumetric non-illuminated letters are perfect for indoor conditions in installation locations to be observed up close.

Entrance portals

Portals are used to highlight entrances and clearly distinguish them from the rest of the façade. Entrance portals can be used in indoor as well as outdoor conditions. The portal creates a great opportunity to install a LED illuminated advertisement or any other visual advertisement above the entrance in a situation where this may be difficult in other circumstances, for example, due to the façade’s material or its relief.

LED screens

Digitaliseeruvas maailmas on trükireklaam jäänud ajalukku. Tulevik on digitaalsete infokandjate päralt, kus kõige efektiivsemad lahendused on professionaalsed LED- ja digiekraanid.  Kauplustes, kinodes, kontorites, restoranides, spordisaalides jne on ekraanid muutunud lahutamatuks töövahendiks klientidega suhtlemisel. Info muutub ajas kiiremini, kui ükski trükimeister printida jõuab. Digiekraanid on parim alternatiiv trükistele, plakatitele jne. Lisaks sellele, et ekraan on ka valgusreklaam ja seega silmatorkavam infokandja, saab sellel kuvatavat teavet muuta reaalajas kasvõi sajal ekraanil korraga.


Billboards and wayfindings are simple but cost-effective solutions for delivering necessary information. A flat or volumetric solution can be used for billboards and advertising signs.

Vinyl graphics

Sticker advertising enables delivering information very cost-effectively. Depending on the location of the installation, the most suitable type of film can be chosen, ensuring the longest possible life of the sticker. Cars are film-coated using materials created specifically for this purpose, which are meant to withstand harsh conditions. Thanks to a large range of materials, it is possible to cover a wide variety of surfaces with sticker advertising from, for example, glass to concrete, which is a relatively demanding surface.